Representation of the Anglo-Indian community in the Legislative Assemblies of the States
Notwithstanding anything in article 170, the Governor of a State may, if he is of opinion that the Anglo-Indian community needs representation in the Legislative Assembly of the State and is not adequately represented therein, nominate one member of that community to the Assembly.

Article 295, Draft Constitution of India 1948
Notwithstanding anything contained in article 149 of this Constitution, the Governor of a State may, if he is of opinion that the Anglo Indian community is not adequately represented in the Legislative Assembly of the State, nominate such number of members of the community to the Legislative Assembly as he considers appropriate.
Article 333, Constitution of India 1950
Notwithstanding anything in article 170, the Governor or Rajpramukh of a State may, if he is of opinion that the Anglo-Indian community needs representation in the Legislative Assembly of the State and is not adequately represented therein, nominate such number of members of the community to the Assembly as he considers appropriate.
Draft Article 295 (Article 333, Constitution of India 1950) was taken up on 24 August 1949. It gave the Governor of a State the power to nominate members from the Anglo-Indian community to the State Legislative Assembly if the Governor believed that community was not sufficiently represented.
The Constituent Assembly adopted this Draft Article without debate.