Constituent Assembly Debates
Volume 7
04 Nov 1948 - 08 Jan 1949
Historical Constitutions
Political Demands of Scheduled Castes 1944 (SCF)

B.R Ambedkar, the founder of the All India Scheduled Castes Federation (SCF), appended this document to his 1945 book 'What the Congress and Gandhi have done to the Untouchables'. The document comprises a series of resolutions passed by the SCF's Working Committee that demanded constitutional protections for Schedules Caste community.
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Explore how the Indian Constitution was made
Constituent Assembly
The Constitution making process was organised around the deliberations of the Constituent Assembly. On 9 December 1946, the Constituent Assembly sat for the first time. In the span of 2 years and 11 months, it completed its task of framing India's Constitution. During this period the Constituent Assembly had 11 sessions and sat for a total of 167 days.
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The Making of India’s Constitution
The National Constitution Society (NCS) is a led network of student groups at schools, colleges and universities across India that work towards building and sustaining a vibrant constitution culture.
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