1946 | Constituent Assembly Debates

Date: December 19, 1946

Location: Constituent Assembly of India


Credits: Prasar Bharati Archives

This 10-minute audio recording captures a segment of the Constituent Assembly’s proceedings on 19 December 1946. The voices of several Assembly members, including Rajendra Prasad (Chairman), Frank Anthony, Jawaharlal Nehru, Kiran Shankar Roy, B.G. Kher, and Syama Prasad Mookherjee can be heard.

This was the Assembly’s 9th sitting and members were primarily focused on finalising the timeline for completing the remaining work of the ongoing session, which most importantly included passing the Objectives Resolution.


Suggested Reading

This Month in Constitution-Making (January 1947): The Constituent Assembly passes the Objectives Resolution

Jawaharlal Nehru Introducing the Objectives Resolution in the Constituent Assembly

Report of the Committee on the Rules of Procedure

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